zondag 2 oktober 2011

Different kinds of Flexible Learning

In this message the different kinds of Flexible Learning will be discussed. In my latest message I gave already the definition from Collis and Moonen (2001) of Flexible Learning  ('a movement away from a situation in which key decisions about learning dimensions are made in advance by the instructior or institution, towards a situation where the learner has a range of options from which to choose with respect to these key dimensions'). These key dimensions are the different kinds of Flexible Learning which are discussed underneath. Next to that also one example of a website which supports flexibility is given underneath. I used the book of Collis and Moonen (2001) to get a good description for each kind of flexibility.

1. Flexibility related to time
The extent to which the student can make choices regarding time. You can think about choices with regard to starting and finishing a course, in deadlines to submit assignments, speed of studying and moments of assessment;

2. Flexibility related to content
The extent to which the student can make choices regarding content. You can think about choices with regard to topics of the course, sequence of subtopics, orientation of the course (theoretical versus practical), main learning materials and assessment standards and completion requirements. 

3. Flexibility related to entry requirements
The extent to which the student can make choices regarding entry requirements. You can think about choices with regard to the necessary conditions for participation.

4. Flexibility related to instructional approach and resources 
The extent to which the student can make choices regarding instructional approach and resources. You can think about choices with regard to social organization of the course, language to be used, learning resources: modality, origin and instructional organization of learning (assignments and monitoring).  

5. Flexibility related to delivery and logistics
The extent to which the student can make choices regarding delivery and logistics. You can think about choices with regard to time and place to have contact with the instructor and other students, methods for obtaining support and making contact, types of help, technology for participating in various aspects of the course and delivery channels for course information, content, communication.  

An example of a web-based technology that supports Flexible Learning, I found, is: the Course Management System 'Moodle' which is used a lot in education in different countries (see moodle.org). It is free source e-learning software and the use is similar to the use of BlackBoard at the university of Twente. So different features regarding the key dimensions of flexibility are: having contact with the teacher and/or other students by using e.g. a discussion forum and the teacher can post grades (5), submitting an assignment (1), and since you can get access to Moodle and download files everywhere, the time (1) and place (5) to study are also flexible. The numbers refer to the numbers stated above for each kind of flexibility.

Collis, B., & Moonen, J. (2001). Flexible learning in a digital world: Experiences and expectations. London: Kogan Page.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Short, to-the-point overview of flexibility opportunities, thanks! For a next post it would be nice if you reflect a little bit more on what you have been writing. What do you think about (in this case) flexibility? And are all options interesting? Is it interesting/good/effective/nice/etc. for both instructors and students? Are there more people who say something about the subject?

    Your link to moodle is good, maybe you could make the moodle.org ar real link on which you can click?

    p.s. You could consider to use a bigger font size... and keep the same font size throughout your blog! :-)

  2. See that you have changed the font size! :-) thanks!
